Director's Message

I believe that on a ladder of a successful and happy premises, the Director is at the bottom of the ladder. Woodstock has pursued the development of academic space and teaching teams to serve the needs of families. Our students and teachers work together to create a harmonious and productive classroom atmosphere. The entire team of ‘The Woodstock School Family’ comprises of dedicated and anxious members who are very enthusiastic to take up challenges and exploit the best in each student. Not all can be marvelous musicians, active sportsperson, melodious singers, rhythmic dancers but a few can be……

A great sign of a successful school is a “Happy Classroom”, and a ‘Lively Atmosphere’ with positive vibes, and one can experience this as he / she walks in. We are constantly improvising our infrastructure, regularly evolving, accepting and endorsing technological changes in community dynamics as well. ‘Bow not, Bend not’, and ‘Fare Forward’ are the principles on which we work. Community welfare forms a major part of our curriculum and the children leave no stone unturned to keep up the ‘Good Work’. Woodstock pledges to cultivate student leaders who are socially conscientious and who continue to positively impact their communities and society as a whole. It is our shared responsibility to empower each other and manifest that only love and peace has place at Woodstock. It is our mission to shift minds and create arenas of acceptance and accountability at Woodstock and beyond. Woodstock is proud of its students, parents and staff……..

Moving down the alleys of the school every day, I can hear the chatter of eager minds, the excited frame of the athletes, the thump of dancer's feet and the sounds of melodious voices harmonizing the perpetual energy, movement and enthusiasm pervading the atmosphere at THE WOODSTOCK SCHOOL.

Education is not just about the subjects that are learnt and taught in school. Becoming educated is not restricted to being in school, then in college, gathering certificates and feeling proud of oneself. It is a lifelong exercise that can be unbelievably exciting if only we wish to jump onto the train of experience and take a trip to every conceivable place on the earth. Therefore the school's genuine efforts ensure student's emotional growth along with intellectual excellence. This empowers them to develop their self-esteem, become self- aware as well as confident. Sharing ideas, analyzing situations and expressing them confidently.

I have a strong faith that each student of this institution will be an example of grit, courage and determination with a sense of truth and respect for the country and elders. They will work towards a better life of everyone associated with them. They will strive to build peace and harmony in the world.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand

Here's wishing all of you a great year ahead!

With Best Regards.

Dr.Veena Gupta